Dunia industri yang dinamis menginspirasi kami untuk selalu mengikuti perkembangan
Kami berkomitmen menerapkan GCG agar mampu menjadi yang terbaik di bidangnya.
Kami melakukan banyak program untuk memperbaiki kualitas hidup dan menjaga keseimbangan alam
Kami selalu berusaha menjaga harmonisasi dengan stakeholders dalam menjalankan program
PT. Antarniaga Nusantara adalah Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang penjualan Pasir yang berasal dari wilayah penambangan pasir di daerah Rangkas Bitung yang telah terkenal sebagai penghasil Pasir Putih terbaik di wilayah Banten.
Sejak didirikan pada tahun 1989, PT. Antarniaga Nusantara telah mengalami perkembangan yang cukup pesat. Pada awal berdiri PT. Antarniaga Nusantara merupakan Perusahaan yang sukses bergerak di bidang Agrochemical dan saat ini mulai mengembangkan bisnisnya di bidang penjualan pasir yang berlokasi di Desa Pajagan, Kecamatan Sajira, Kabupaten Lebak, Propinsi Banten.
- The PT. Antarniaga Nusantara is committed to marketing and supplying quality products and services to meet the growing diversity of consumer needs.
- The PT. Antaraniaga Nusantara recognises the contribution and importance of its employees. It gives equal opportunities to all employees, fosters teamwork and encourages personal development.
- The PT. Antarniaga Nusantara is dedicated to maintaining its long standing reputation for integrity and stability.
- To deliver products at the best qualitiy and the fastest delivery time compared to all competitors.
- To develop user friendly marketing application methods for current products.
- To introduce services related to the present activities such as product research, after sales services, etc.
Operating in all over Indonesia, PT. Antarniaga Nusantara, has a network of distribution and stock in all major cities of the country. Our storages are located at Medan, Pekanbaru, Palembang, Jakarta, Semarang, Surabaya, Pontianak and Palu.
Our well spread distibution network makes it possible for us to distribute the product all over Indonesia. Our team of qualified marketing and technical personnel keep us deliver best service and helping us meet the needs of our customers. PT. Antarniaga Nusantara makes special efforts to deliver product efficiently and effectively for its customers in Indonesia. The company is thus able to ensure the precise execution of orders , meeting customer quality specifications and time schedules. With our indepth knowledge of product, we also prepare the management of product usage recomendation reports whenever necessary.
- Innovation 80%
- Integrity 45%
- Care 95%
- Synergi 85%

Integrated control, operations, infrastructure and logistics.
The Company benefits from the close proximity of all of its concession areas to each other and is able to service all of its mining operations through its integrated marketing and logistics team. The Company believes its world class export facility at the Pajagan village Coal Terminal gives the Company the ability to maximize its blending ability and deliver products to high capacity.

PT. Antarniaga Nusantara
Alamat : Jl. Jembatan Tiga No. 36 CS-CT
Jakarta Utara 14450
Telp : (62-21) 6616661 – 6616665 (Hunting)
Fax : (62-21) 6603261, 6604049
Email :